College of Filtration Final Exam:

Answer the following questions to earn your certificate of completeion of the College of Filtration. When you are finished, fill out the form and we'll send you your Certificate of Completion and/or badge in the mail!

1. Prefilters are :
2. The bigger the prefilter is, the ...
3. Pond skimmers have become very popular because...
4. TRUE or FALSE. Skimmers can be plumbed to remove fish mulm from ponds.
5. Biological filters...
6. Nitrifiers are...
7. TRUE or FALSE. Most of the biological activity in the pond occurs in the media of the biofilter.
8. Upflow Biofilters are likely to:
9. The same pads used in a skimmer will be less likely to clog in an upflow biofilter because of ...
10. TRUE or FALSE. Pressure Filters only start filtering after 2-6 weeks without any ammonia in the water.
11. The term “Ultra Violet Sterilizer” refers to...
12. Ultra Violet Sterilizers control algae at the same wavelengths as                      .
13. How much usable wattage at the correct wavelength does a UV lamp rated for 40 Watts actually emit?
14. The main advantage Ionizers have over UV lights is their ability to .
15. The maximum concentration of Copper Ions recommended to control algae without harming goldfish is ...
16. TRUE or FALSE. Unlike UV Sterilizers, Ionizers work better at higher water flows than at lower flows.
17. Ionizers work best when water pH is near neutral and buffering moderate because...
18. The best choice of Copper, pH and KOH concentrations for algae control in a goldfish pond with waterlilies would be which of the following?
19. An Active Bog installed in a heavily stocked koi pond will ...
20. A heavily stocked koi pond that has only an Active Bog for filtration might need it sized to which of the following?