From my perspective, the newly combined and expanded Atlantic-OASE presents a welcome challenge, the task of assimilating a veritable abundance of new and exciting products. Today I’d like to talk about our greatly expanded pump line, and I’m including page numbers so you can follow along in the 2020 Catalog.

In Fountain Pumps, on pages 70 & 80 for example, the flow and head ranges of Atlantic and OASE lines are similar. Both series share built-in adjustability, suction feet and replaceable components. But, the OASE Fountain pumps also feature a grounding plate to direct stray current from any source safely out of the water; they are less expensive and carry a longer warranty. Although it’s not up to me, I might bet we’ll have less redundancy next year in this range.
In larger Magnetic Induction pumps, the story is different because the lines are complementary. AWG MD-Series (page 81) range from 250 to 1500 nominal gallons per hour. Their volutes rotate and their footprint are tiny, perfect for small cavities and close quarters, but these are no lightweights. MD’s are solid, heavily-built pumps that carry a 5-year warranty. Extending the range, the OASE Waterfall Pumps (page 88) are synchronous magnetic pumps that start where the MD’s stop. Larger in size and capacity, from 1650 to 5150 gph, Waterfall Pumps feature a coated rotor that does not allow lime to accrete easily and a self-flushing rotor chamber; they can handle the worst water conditions out there. Although the warranty is less at 3 years, their high efficiencies and integrated grounding plate make these a great choice for larger fountains and hard water applications.
The TT-Series, AquaMax and Neptun pumps are also complementary lines, built for entirely different tasks. TT1500 through TT9000 (pages 72-73) are compact clean water pumps built for use in skimmers. Featuring high flows and high efficiencies, all TT’s work with our Tidal Wave Variable Speed Control (page 78), to adjust pump flow from 20% to 100%. Easy to access, pull apart and clean, TT-Series pumps make maintenance a breeze.
The AquaMax Classic and Premium Series (pages 84-85) are designed to live at the bottom of the pond, where they push 1200 to 4000gph of mucky water at low head and very low wattage. When paired with a matched OASE filter and UV, these solids handling pumps qualify for the OASE Clear Water Guarantee, assuring you’ll be able to read the 1” mark on a tape measure extending three feet down into the water. Both the Classic and the Premium share a low restriction housing that can go for entire seasons without needing to be cleaned; the Premium features a second inlet to power a second satellite intake or an in-pond skimmer. All come equipped with a grounding plate for complete security against short circuits and stray current in the water.

The third pump series, Neptun (p81), is designed specifically for the rigors of fountain use. The stainless steel screen is designed to draw the shallow, clean water of fountains without clogging or vortexing, regardless of temperature. In fact, these pumps are frost-proof down to -4°F for extreme durability and can be used submersed or in-line.
Finally, there are the Eco Experts, Aquarius for fountains, AquaMax for water gardens. These powerful 220v pumps deliver massive flows from around 7000 gph to over 11000 gallons per hour, but sip minimal electricity – even the largest pull only 700 watts. The brushless DC motors offer more than just extraordinary flows and wattages; the fully electronic pumps can be programmed to vary their flows as well. The fountain iteration, Aquarius Eco Expert, offers a dance of 9 different speeds cycling at the touch of the blue button, to provide a captivating built-in fountain display. Combine the pump with an Eco Control or the full Electronic Garden Control system (p83) and choose from another 12 pre-programmed water patterns, or set whatever flow you wish. Fully thermally protected and frost-proof to -4°F, these are among the finest fountain pumps ever built.
For water garden use, the AquaMax Eco Expert (page 86-87) offers the same power, protection and connectivity but exchanges the water dances of the Aquarius for the more pond-useful Seasonal Flow Control. Now when you push the blue button the pump slows as the water cools, limiting circulation and automatically avoiding supercooling the water as it freezes.
About the Author:

Demi has been in water garden construction since 1986. As Atlantic’s Director of Product Information, if he’s not building water features, he’s writing or talking about them. If you have a design or construction question, he’s the one to ask.