Guest Author: Samantha Leon from

After a lengthy commercial break, Alex Trebek slowly strides over to the podium to reveal the Final Jeopardy answer. With a little pomp, he reveals the Final Jeopardy answer to be “The most important thing homeowners have to do.” You immediately scribble down your question and confidently set the marker down.
The question is “What is increasing the value of their homes.”
You did not wager it all, but you got it right. No other obligation a homeowner has to fulfill is more important than increasing the value of his or her home. Now that we know what should matter most for homeowners, how do we go about increasing the value of our homes?
It starts with enhancing the curb appeal of your home.

What is Curb Appeal?
You probably understand the importance of curb appeal as it refers to increasing the value of your home. However, what exactly is curb appeal? It certainly is not a tangible asset that you add or install, such as a pergola or a swimming pool. Yes, you can add or install a tangible asset to improve the curb appeal of your home, but that does not answer the question “What is curb appeal.” Curb appeal represents the first impression someone has as he or she passes by your home. It boils down to how your home appears to someone else who is standing by the curb. Enhancing the curb appeal of your home ensures your home stands out from the rest of the homes in the neighborhood.
Here are a few examples of how to increase your home’s curb appeal:
- Create a garden
- Finely manicure the hedges
- Paint the shutters
- Add stained glass windows
- Install a fountain

Why a Fountain Can Enhance the Curb Appeal of Your Home
Whether you add a fountain as a single accessory or place an outdoor water fountain next to a small pond, you can expect to enjoy several benefits that lead to an enhanced curb appeal for your home.
Subtle Elegance
Curb appeal is mostly associated with aesthetic appeal. After all, first impressions make a huge difference for establishing curb appeal. With an outdoor fountain, you create a subtle type of elegance that lets everyone passing by your home that you have refined taste and a sense of how a little bit of elegance can go a long way.
It’s More than a Structure
Why do Buddhist monks mediate around water fountains located next to lush gardens? The answer is the sight and sound of flowing water soothes the soul. When someone passes by your home, the sight and sound of flowing water will produce a meditative like state that alleviates stress. In fact, the sight and sound of water will be a good reason for people to stop in front of your home. This will help you get people to notice other aesthetically appealing features of your house.

Bird Magnet
Another soothing feature of an outdoor water fountain is how the home accessory attracts birds. When someone passes by your home and notices a horde of birds flapping their wings during a bath, you have made your home stand out from the rest of the homes in the neighborhood. Although a bird feeder can have the same effect at a fraction of the cost of installing a water fountain, some species of birds like robins, thrushes, and orioles do not like to congregate around a bird feeder.

Is a Bubbling Rock Fountain Right for Your Home?
With adding a fountain, a slam dunk for increasing your home’s curb appeal, what type of water fountain is the right addition? If your front yard is smaller than the average size of the front yard in your neighborhood, you should consider installing a bubbling rock fountain. With customization of both size and shape an option, you can find the right bubbling rock fountain that gives the look of natural granite to increase your home’s curb appeal. You can add a bubbling rock fountain in a space as small as two feet by two feet.
Maintenance for a bubbling rock fountain involves keeping the water level topped off, a simple step to routinely check. Replenishing the water supply is important, as you can expect to lose a considerable amount of water to evaporation. If you live a region that experiences freezing temperatures at some point during the year, all you have to do is remove the basin pump and store it the garage until the thaw arrives. Bubbling rock fountains cost between $1,000 and $2,000, with size and the type of rock representing the two most influential cost factors.

Healthy Home Accessory
Water fountains increase the humidity level outside of your home to rid the air of dust and other types of allergens. Flowing water produces negative ions, which scientific studies have shown to have a positive effect on mood and overall health. The health benefits of installing an outdoor water fountain are an important part of why a fountain can enhance the curb appeal of your home.